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Artist Bio

Rebekah Bogard received her MFA from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in 2003.  She received a BFA from the University of Wyoming in Laramie in 2000.  She is currently an Associate Professor in Ceramics at University of Nevada Reno as well as a studio artist.

She has received numerous awards including being named an “Emerging Artist” by both the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts and Ceramics Monthly Magazine.  She has been awarded residencies in places such as the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, CRETA Rome, and Shangyu Celadon International Center in Zhejiang, China.   In addition she is a two-time recipient of the Nevada Fine Arts Council Fellowship, as well as receiving the “Best of Show” in several national art competitions.   Her work has shown in several solo and group exhibitions nation wide.  Moreover, her work has been reviewed in publications such as Art in America, LA Times, Sculpture Magazine, Ceramics Monthly Magazine, Clay Times Magazine, and Artweek. 


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I was born and raised in Casper, Wyoming where I lived until I was 27 years old.  As a child my parents would take me to work with them every day where I was given a desk along with all the paper, tape, and glue that I wanted.  I thoroughly enjoyed spending my time drawing and making the next big project.  Even at home I spent most of my time creating artwork.  Animals were a natural source of inspiration as we always had plenty of pets on hand.  

Summer vacations were consistently taken in Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole where my parents instilled within me a deep respect, wonder and curiosity for nature.  My father enjoyed fishing and never failed to take me to the most beautiful and wild places throughout the summer months.  This impacted me greatly as my love and awe of nature is an indispensable part of the work I create.

I hated school, but always enjoyed art class.  I excelled in art and have always considered myself an artist.  During my last year of high school, my mother signed me up for an art class at the local community college which, for me, was exhilirating.  Consequently, after graduating from high school, I attended Casper College where I majored in fine art. 

Six years and three diplomas later, I decided to quit school.  I took a job at a local flower shop.  (I was a little confused as to what I was to do for a profession as an artist)  After working two miserable years arranging flowers, I left my hometown to pursue my dream of becoming an artist leaving everything behind.  I attended the University of WY where I had the good fortune to study with the most incredible teacher and artist, Phyllis Kloda.  She helped me grow artistically in ways I was unable to do on my own.  I obtained my BFA and then moved to Las Vegas to pursue my MFA under the guidance of the Amazing Mark Burns.

Currently I am an assistant professor at the University of Nevada Reno where I continue to pursue my vision and passion for art.  However, I must say that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help and guidance of both Phyllis and Mark.  I have gained more from them than I could have ever imagined and I am a much better artist for it.

© 2019 by Rebekah Bogard

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